Just released: Pink Larkin website redesign

We are pleased to announce the launch of Pink Larkin’s new website produced by Neglia Design.
This new release is a beautiful and fully responsive build which will serve to anchor the online identity of Pink Larkin, a dispute-resolution law firm. The site has been carefully planned and executed to showcase the many talented lawyers and the areas of service they represent. There is also a selection of client work, in-depth blog posts and company information.
With mobile usage soaring (60% of all digital media activity in 2014), and Google now using mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal of search results, law firms must heed the call and have a well-designed, mobile-friendly website. Delivering a consistent user experience across all devices is now not only expected, but rewarded.
Along with the responsive website design and development, Neglia Design took time to establish and refresh the firm’s online social presence. This will allow for direct communication between Pink Larkin and the general public.
We really enjoyed working on this project with Heather Suttie on the content and strategy, Kelly Clark on the photography, and a big thanks to a great client, Pink Larkin.
Contact Neglia Design if you would like to discuss moving forward on updating your site to be mobile optimum.